Basic Information You’ll Need for Truck Insurance
Commercial vehicles are a vital component in many business activities, but arranging truck insurance can be a little tricky, particularly if you’re new to this segment. Having all the information, you’ll need will make the process of getting set up a little smoother. While you may be able to obtain a quote without some of these details, it is a good idea to have everything organised, so you can get immediate cover.
Things You’ll Need
Just like regular car insurance, there are some basic things you’ll need to obtain cover for your commercial vehicle. The first thing you’ll need is the declarations page for your current truck insurance. This will provide the critical details about the cover you’ll need. If you have no history of commercial vehicle insurance, have the declarations page for your personal vehicle on hand, as many of the details will carry over to your commercial policy.
You will also need to provide your insurer with all the licence details and basic driver history for all the drivers who will be using your commercial vehicle. This will include speeding tickets, fines, and demerits. You are likely to find that your quote increases or you invalidate cover if you fail to disclose any adverse driving history details.
You should also have the details for each vehicle including the VIN numbers and a list of the security and safety features for each truck. If you don’t have the VIN, for a vehicle, you’ll need to provide as much detail as possible including the manufacturer, model and registration year.
While most insurers will be able to provide a quote based on estimates, this may change when you confirm the details. Additionally, you are likely to have to provide proof of the facts before cover can start.
Other Considerations
If you want to save money on your truck insurance, there are some steps you can take. Choosing a reputable broker will allow you access to exclusive deals and offers.
Consider a longer policy to fix your premiums for more than one year. It may also be possible to increase your voluntary excess, but remember that you will need to cover this in the event of a claim, so keep it affordable.
You can also save fees and interest by paying upfront at the start of the policy rather than using an installment plan.
Consider group policies to insure all your vehicles with one insurer, as most companies will offer incentives or discounts for whole fleet coverage.
Finally, don’t overvalue your vehicle. Some business owners think this will make for a better deal in the event of a claim, but insurers will consider the costs of a similar replacement and pay out accordingly. By inflating your vehicle value, you’ll simply pay more for your premiums.
If you are in need of truck insurance, Perth business owners should speak to us. As an established broker, we can search the market for the best deals on your truck insurance. The GSK Insurance team would be delighted to answer your queries and arrange some quotes.
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